
Special issue of Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins: visit the PAAP page

Social Events

Cocktail: June 4th, 2014

All the AMP 2014 participants are invited to a cocktail ceremony at the end of the first symposium day in the City Hall of Lorient.

Boat cruise and gala dinner: June 5th, 2014   Sold out

Participants to the dinner gala will embark from the city center harbor (next to the Palais des congrès) on a boat for a commended cruise on the Scorff river, Lorient harbor and the Atlantic ocean mouth (about 1 h cruise) and will then be deposited directly to the restaurant Quai Ouest (http://www.quaiouest-lorient.com/) for a gala dinner on the seaside. The return to the city center will be afterward ensured by specific buses. Please note that the number of places is limited and that there is a specific registration and additional fees for the boat cruise and dinner gala, which are not included in the AMP 2014 registration fees.

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