Instruction for authors
Instruction for posters:
Poster size should be A0 (width 841 mm x height 1189 mm) or Quad Demy (width 35 inches x height 45 inches; width 889 mm x height 1143 mm).
Instruction for oral presentations:
The presentation should be 10 min long maximum for young researchers or 15 min long maximum for senior researchers. 5 additional min will be devoted to questions after each talk. The time allocated to each presentation in the detailed program (http://amp2014.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/12) includes the 5 min questions. Please DO NOT exceed your presentation length time in order to have time for questions and to respect the meeting schedule). Your slides should be on Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (or previous versions) for PC, or Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac2011 (Version 14.3.9 or previous version)."